Illustrators for short story book

Closing Date of Opportunity: 4/23/2023

Name or Organization: In Places Between

Contact Email:


Post Content: In Places Between is an annual short story contest for young writers (under age 18).

Each year we recruit artists to illustrate ten winning stories. We pay $30 per illustration, plus a copy of the printed contest book.

We'll send you a copy of the story during first week of May, with delivery the art by June 1.

Illustration specifications: black & white, sized to fit a 5.5 inch wide page. Digital images or scanned files, ideally 1500 pixels wide by no more than 2500 pixels tall so it will print nicely at 300 DPI.

Please send an email with "Artist" in the subject line. Please include a few sample drawings (can be colour) or a link to your artwork.


Studio Assistant


Public Art Assistants