Writing Over Here: Open Online Rezidency

Write Over Here: Open Rezidency offers participants the opportunity to focus on tools to help create the time and space to write from home. In this three week online self-directed residency, self-motivated Indigenous writers are invited to work within their community and to engage with faculty to support their practice.  Participants will meet with the faculty team via Zoom for weekly gathering where they cohort will come together to connect, share readings, and have deeper discussions on their process. 

Throughout the residency, faculty will offer one-on-one meetings, as well as workshops that explore different writing practices. Writers will have the opportunity to engage with faculty throughout their time as needed and scheduled, and are encouraged to connect with their peers, as well as continue to engage in their independent writing practice on and offline.

Program dates: March 8 – 27, 2021

Application deadline:January 20, 2021

Apply online or visit our website to learn more: https://bit.ly/2IVti3j


Illustrator for Children's Book


Educational Art Technician