Videographer/Editor/Animator (Contract)

Closing Date of Opportunity: 2/28/2022

Name or Organization: SNAP Gallery and Printshop

Contact Email:


Post Content: SNAP Gallery + Printshop is commissioning 4 visual artists to create an edition of original artist prints to be included with SNAP’s 40th anniversary portfolio and gallery exhibition. In addition, SNAP is looking to create a series of 4 short 15 minute digital stories (AKA videos) documenting each artist’s printmaking technique. The final digital stories will be distributed online for fundraising and promotional purposes. Artists will be filmed in their studio creating the work, documenting each artists’ printmaking process as well as short interview segments. We have commissioned 2 artists from Edmonton so we are looking for a local video production team to film both artists and produce the videos. We have one artist located in Toronto and one in Montreal, so coordination of videographers in both of these cities will be necessary for the project.

Our goal with these videos is to promote the work of these artists, celebrate SNAP’s 40th anniversary and the sale of the prints, as well as explain/demystify different printmaking techniques to the general public. We would like to include some form of animation to visually explain these techniques. A knowledge of printmaking (specifically silkscreen, linocut and mezzotint) is an asset but not required for this project. The videos will be circulated via SNAP’s website and social media.

Total available budget: $7,250


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