SNAP Gallery Call for Exhibition Proposals

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SNAP Gallery Call for Exhibition Proposals

Submission Deadline: February 28 2023
Currently Selecting Exhibitions for 2024/25

SNAP is a non-profit Artist-run centre for printmaking located in amiskwacîwâskahikan, in Treaty Six Territory (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada). We advance visual culture, working with artists, audiences, and communities. SNAP programs public exhibition spaces comprising 1,070 square feet with street facing exhibition windows and a total linear running wall space of over 150ft. SNAP pays fees to exhibiting artists inline with the CARFAC recommended fees schedule. SNAP also offers financial support for one-way shipping, Artist travel, and accommodation.

In addition to exhibitions, SNAP maintains a community printmaking studio, offers classes and workshops in all print media, supports Artist residencies, commissions print editions, and produces a print publication.

SNAP is seeking proposals from Artists, Curators, and Collectives for gallery exhibitions during the 2024/25 exhibition seasons. Local, national, and international Artists at all stages of their career are encouraged to apply. SNAP’s mandate is to support artistic practice in printmaking. Proposed exhibitions should engage with printmaking and print-related media. For more details and submission guidelines, please visit:


Junior Print Designer


Sterling Silver Ring Repair