2025 Curator

Closing Date of Opportunity: February 15, 2024

Name or Organization: Bonavista Biennale

Contact Email: sue@bonavistabiennale.com

Website: http://www.bonavistabiennale.com

Post Content: Bonavista Biennale is an innovative, rural-based, public art event occurring every two years on Newfoundland and Labrador’s Bonavista Peninsula. It provides a unique platform for artists and audiences to explore, engage, challenge and express ideas on societal and cultural issues through contemporary art.Over the course of its four previous iterations (2017, 2019, 2021, 2023), the Biennale has featured over 90 provincial, national and international artists, at over 35 indoor and outdoor sites along a 165-km coastal loop around the Peninsula.

POSITION: CURATOR – Bonavista Biennale 2025

Bonavista Biennale is seeking a Curator to work closely with the Artistic Director to realize the 2025 Biennale. Building on what the Biennale has achieved to date, the Curator will bring their vision and expertise to the challenge of growing the Biennale’s provincial, national and international reputation, while remaining sensitive to regional and community priorities and concerns.

The Curator will undertake the responsibilities outlined below as part of a creative team. Applicants may be independent or institutionally affiliated.


Curatorial Oversite:
• Work closely with the Artistic Director to research, develop, and articulate a curatorial theme, vision, and direction for the Biennale;
• Research, select, and invite participating artists, in collaboration with the Artistic Director;
• Research sites and engage artists with site selection;
• Collect and maintain artist research and production files;
• Provide project status updates as requested.

Exhibition and Artists:
• Work with the Artistic Director and Executive Director to ensure artists’ travel, accommodation, and hosting/facilitation requirements are met;
• Communicate with artists regarding artworks and installation requirements;
• Oversee and coordinate site preparation and installation of artists’ work in collaboration with the Artistic Director, including practical assistance to artists with their projects as needed;
• Contribute content for Biennale texts, including but not limited to: website, on-site interpretive materials, exhibition brochure, and catalogue;
• Work to ensure all texts are accessible to maximize audience engagement and understanding, in collaboration with the Artistic Director;
• Participate in the development of ancillary programming, such as speakers’ series, workshops, performance, etc.;
• Meet established deadlines.

Budget Development and Follow up:
• Work in collaboration with the Artistic Director and the Executive Director to develop and proactively address any changes to budget lines put under the Curator’s discretion.
Communication and Public Relations:
• Contribute as requested to exhibition announcements and social media;
• Participate in media interviews as requested;
• Participate in artist and curator talks and/or tours as requested.
Partnerships and Funding:
• Work in collaboration with the Artistic Director and the Executive Director to seek out opportunities for institutional collaborations, such as co-commissions;
• Actively provide suggestions for funding opportunities, such as grants, foundation support, or private donations;
• Where requested, advise artists on opportunities and/or applications for grant applications in support of their Biennale projects

Other requirements:
• Drivers’ license

Commitment and timeline:
• 1 week of in-person research during the summer of 2024 (to be scheduled May – August); including site visits around the Bonavista Peninsula;
• Meet virtually on a monthly to bi-weekly to basis with the Artistic Director to discuss proposed artists, sites, and overall Biennale theme;
• Return to the Bonavista Peninsula for ~10 days in August 2025 to oversee installations and participate in artist hosting activities and opening weekend programs;
• Propose, and participate in, on-site and/or virtual events over the course of the Biennale;
• Participate in a post-Biennale debrief.

The curator will receive a flat fee of $15,000 CAD, plus HST if applicable, payable in three installments: $5,000 in April 2024, $5,000 in January 2025, and $5,000 upon completion of all duties. All travel to and within Newfoundland and Labrador, including airfare/mileage, accommodation, and a per diem will be covered by the Biennale at the most economical rates. Curators at all levels are encouraged to apply; candidates should have experience working closely with artists to realize site-specific installations, new commissions, and/or community-based projects. Knowledge and experience of the arts community in Newfoundland and Labrador is an asset. International candidates will be considered, but will be responsible for securing any required work permits.

Applicants should be aware of the unique challenges presented by a remote, rural Biennale. Research, site visits and installation require driving significant distances. Installations must be carefully planned around weather, site limitations, health and safety protocols and the cost and availability of materials and equipment on the Peninsula. Cell phone coverage, and access to electricity and washrooms are not readily available in all parts of the Peninsula and must be factored into planning. As part of a small team, the Curator is expected to be actively and physically engaged in installation, trouble shooting, problem solving, and the transportation of artists as needed. Working in this context requires patience, adaptability, self-sufficiency and a pro-active, collaborative mindset.

Start date: March 2024

To apply: Submit a cover letter (1 page maximum), CV, and contact information for two (2) professional references by email to Rose Bouthillier, Artistic Director: rose@bonavistabiennale.com. We will acknowledge receipt of your application.
Applications are due by Feb 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM NT.

Bonavista Biennale strongly encourages applications from IBPOC communities, as well as those self-identifying as part of other marginalized and/or vulnerable groups. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Learn more about our organization and programs at bonavistabiennale.com.


Illustrator for Children's Storybook


Visual Arts Instructor 2