Help Support TUC through your artwork!

Closing Date of Opportunity: 3/15/2021

Name or Organization: Trout Unlimited Canada

Contact Email:


Post Content: Trout Unlimited Canada is looking for artists who would like to give back using their art or artistic knowledge. You decide what you want to offer (a piece of art, class, or item from your collection), and suggest a donation amount. Our Fin Art campaign will run online March 1-31, 2021 at Canada Helps 

How to get involved!

First – you sign up here
Next, get creative - Create your personal page which will highlight your offering and what your donors will receive at your suggested donation levels. Donors effectively “purchase” your creation for a donation to TUC.
Then, spread the word – Send your personal page link to your friends or family, and share on social media. We will also share your page to our community.
Finally, get results – Your orders will come in from donors across the country!

Trout Unlimited Canada

The proceeds of this event will help Trout Unlimited Canada (TUC), a federally registered not-for-profit organization, continue to operate and serve as The Voice for Canada’s Water. We are dedicated to conservation and stream restoration activities from coast to coast, our mission being to protect Canada’s freshwater ecosystems through policy, education, and citizen action. We are a volunteer-driven, science-based organization with over 10,000 supporters across Canada. TUC relies on financial support from donors just like you to fund the work we do across this country. Our projects include: Increasing animal habitat and protecting and enhancing fish populations, while improving water quality and battling climate change. Through talks and tours, we engage and empower Canadians to take ownership of their local waters for current, and future generations.

Need inspiration or want to see what the was done in 2020? Look here!


Student Employment Opportunity


FREE Emerging Artist Photoshoot Collaboration!