Book Design and Production for Illustrated Children's Books

Closing Date of Opportunity: 1/15/2023

Name or Organization: Kevin Zentner

Contact Email:


Post Content: I am looking for a designer to help me with producing and publishing Books 2 and 3 in a trilogy written for readers age 8 to 11 (Primarily Grades 3 to 6). I have the first book 99% completed as a model, including print ready files. The 2nd book is editied and illustrations are ready, so the next step is layout and design. The third book is written and edited.

The end goal would be print ready files for a Soft Cover, Hard Cover and eBook versions. along with a webpage to be used for on line sales and as marketing for other distribution channels such as Ingram, Amazon, Kindle....

The website for these books is incomplete and although I am happy with the content, much of it needs to be reworked. The current landing page in particular) is not what it needs to be.

Ideally, the designer would be interested in creating promotion materials as well.

I am a recently retired elementary school teacher with limited experience as an author and with the publishing process. Ideally, completing the next books in this series will be a learning experience for me as well.

Please contact me via email, with the idea of a follow up call to see how we can work together,
Thank you in advance,

Kevin Zentner


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