3D Animator
Organization name: Level Flight
Contact name: Tyler Haughey
Contact email: tyler@levelflight.ca
Contact phone number: 403-483-2880
What is the approximate start date of the project? July 30
Project Description: 3D animation for aviation e-learning videos. And example for such project
would be found at this link
https://youtu.be/c6ZieuNvjHw?list=PL-5QlDZlK74GrL0fb6V_FZSLX86V9A7j4. They
would be responsible primarily for the animation component. We would pay an hourly contracted rate of $20/hr.
Once we discuss the project with the student we will be able to better identify how
much time they anticipate the project would take them to complete and we can
assess based on our budget. If we can speak to the prospective candidate to
discuss details that wold be great for all parties. Thank you