Art Moves 2021

We would like to invite you to take part in a Billboard Art Competition. The invitation is addressed to all the interested people, artists and students. There is no entry fee.

The best 6 artworks selected by an international jury panel will be printed and exhibited in the urban space of the city of Torun, Poland in September 2021. The author of the winning entry will receive the Main Award in the amount of PLN PLN 3.500 (about EUR 782.60, USD 952.15). 

The entries can be sent by electronic mail until 20 July 2021, 0:00 CET, to the following address:

The competition is a part of 14th Festival of Art on Billboards Art Moves. The artwork is supposed to be a creative response to this year’s competition theme: Getting infected with untruth. How can we find our path in a world full of contradictions, chaos and uncertainty?

Find more information about the Competition and the Festival at: and facebook:


Design Intern


Labs Acceleration Program for Youth-Led Startups