Freelance Designers

Closing Date of Opportunity: 4/20/2021

Name or Organization: Park Digital

Contact Email:


Post Content: Oh, hey
Does bad strategy bug you as much as poorly-kerned type? If the answer is “yes,” you’re probably just what we’re looking for. And to be fair, you might be a little crazy. But our kind of crazy, so let’s do this. 

The gig: Freelance Design Team 
We’re looking to build our team of freelance graphic designers to work with us on a per-project basis – but not just any designers, we’re looking for exceptional designers. We want the kind of people who can jump from account to account with ease, handle the euphoric madness of a startup-like agency and are willing to dive in with both feet and get their hands dirty. We like mixed drinks more than mixed metaphors like that one, so you’ve got to be ready for a bit of fun too. 

Interested? Let’s not be strangers. Send us your portfolio and we’ll be in touch!


Photography and Production Assistant for Grad Show


Wordfest Production Assistant - Video & Sound Editing