FREE AUArts Mental Health Workshops - Gift Included!

The Inquiring Mind Workshop for Students (REG)

The Inquiring Mind Post-Secondary (TIM PS) is an evidence-based program designed to address and promote mental health and reduce the stigma of mental illness in an educational / student setting. This program is specifically designed for students in support of your personal mental health.

The program is offered virtually in two 2-hour time blocks (Tuesday, March 22 and Tuesday, March 29 from 9:30 to 12:00), with participation in both sessions required to receive confirmation of successful completion and a $50 grab bag from the AUArts Bookstore.

Space is limited to 15 participants per session. There is no cost to participate in these sessions. Register here.

Sessions offered virtually on MS Teams by our Counsellor, Jason Bauche and Dean of Students, Kimberley Neutens.

Building Resilience Workshop (REG)

We all know how challenging the last two years has been. We also know how stressful life as a student is even when there isn't a global pandemic happening. Luckily, there are things you can do to build coping skills and strengthen resilience. Students are invited to participate in a workshop designed to teach you how you can support mental health and wellbeing in yourselves and others.

The program is offered virtually in two 2-hour time blocks ( Thursday, March 24 and Thursday, March 31, 2022 from 9:45 to 12:00), with participation in both sessions required to receive confirmation of successful completion and a $50 grab bag from the AUArts Bookstore.

Space is limited to 12 participants per session. There is no cost to participate in these sessions. Register Here

Sessions offered virtually on MS Teams by our Counsellor, Jason Bauche.


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