Large Event Photographer

Closing Date of Opportunity: 4/1/2022

Name or Organization: University of Calgary

Contact Email:


Post Content: Looking to gain photography experience and grow your portfolio? Then this opportunity is for you. Volunteer with the Master of Management program for our year-end gala on April 14 2022 from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm and photograph this memorable moment. We ask you to provide the camera and we will supply the camera disk and additional equipment if needed. Food, drinks, and transportation will be included. All photographs taken from this event can be used towards your very own portfolio, we only ask for digital copies. Please submit the following information to the email provided:
Contact Information:
1-2 sentences about why you want to volunteer with us:
1-2 photos showcasing your work:
We look forward to working with you!


Designer and/or Social Media Creator


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