UofC Research Group - Graphic Designer for Logo and Style Guidelines

Closing Date of Opportunity: 4/15/2022

Name or Organization: Alberta Cellular Therapy and Immune Oncology Research Initiative - based out of the University of Calgary

Contact Email: nubia.zepeda1@ucalgary.ca

Post Content: Hi There, 

Our research group - the Alberta Cellular Therapy and Immune Oncology Research (ACTION) Initiative - is looking for a graphic designer to work with our team to create a logo for our initiative, and to create style guidelines for use by our group. We would pay the graphic designer to work with our group, and total payment would be mutually decided on between our group and the graphic designer before work commences. 

There may also be an opportunity for this individual to help us build our University of Calgary website (via Drupal 8 - the U of C web design platform), if this individual has the right skills. 

If you are a student or graduate from the Alberta University of Arts and this seems like an opportunity you would be interested in, please send me a portfolio with similar work and we can connect from there. 


Nubia Zepeda (Associate Director of Business Operations - ACTION)


Summer Facilitators


Freelance Graphic Designers + Creatives