Feature Artist Table

Closing Date of Opportunity: 12/31/2024

Name or Organization: Calgary Farmers Market

Contact Email: info@calgaryfarmersmarket.ca

Website: https://calgaryfarmersmarket.ca/contact-us/

Post Content: Feature Artist Table at the Calgary Farmers Market

1. The purpose of the Artist Showcase is twofold: to help upcoming artists and performers grow their audience, as well as add to the customers’ experience of the market. 
2. In line with the purpose of the program, the artist must be displaying or creating an aspect of “live” art. Whether that is performance, visual or services rendered.
3. All artists are required to submit a list of items you wish to sell; the market will, at its sole discretion, approve the product list prior to booking the space. Artists may not make additions to the items for sale before first receiving further approval. 
4. You are required to arrive at 8:45am on the predetermined dates to set-up your display and be ready when the market opens for business at 9am. All feature artists must be creating live art until the market closes at 5pm.
5. When you have been accepted in to the Feature Artist program, artists may book the space a maximum of 2 days per month. Spaces will only be booked one month at a time.
6. All art/services/performances should always be appropriate for a family-based audience. 
7. There is no cost associated to use the space, and the market is not obligated to pay the occupants of this showcase. Any compensation received is solely sales driven by the artist.
8. A white square measuring 9’ x 4’on the floor marks the booth. All setups must fit inside this space and must not be higher than 5’. An 8’ table and chairs will be provided.
9. Please dress appropriately to face the public. A neat and clean appearance is most appealing.
10. Artists may not canvass the market for customers. We recommend advertising before-hand and/or booking appointments during the time you’re at the market. 
11. Artists are welcome to use the booth as a pickup location for commissioned pieces. If something is commissioned during your time at the market that you will not be able to finish by 5pm, you must liaise directly with your customer to make arrangements.
12. The Calgary Farmers’ Market reserves the right to remove artists from the roster for any reason including, but not limited to: 
a. Not meeting the requirements set out in the guidelines.
b. Disrespectful to customers, vendors, and/or staff, etc.
c. Unprofessional demeanor and/or appearance.

Thank you for your contribution to the Calgary Farmers Market; we look forward to having you help us create a more thriving arts community in our amazing city!

If you would like to participate as a feature artist please apply on the contact page on the website under Feature Artist Application.


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