Roman busts

Closing Date of Opportunity: 9/1/2022

Name or Organization: Avitus Wine Bar

Contact Email:

Post Content: Hi there, my partners and I are opening a wine bar in September/October and the name is related to a Roman emperor back in France (Avitus). Our job offer is in 2 parts:

1. Make one real size head of Avitus (or roman style busts) made with a white material so we can add some colors to it (Klein blue and gold) with brushes motion across the face or pain splashes.
2. Make 15 smaller size of the same bust (about 3 inch tall) with the same material but without the colors - those will be used as receipts holder.
We don't have any idea aboiut how to price this job offer so please feel free to come with a reasonable price offer.


Junior Graphic Designer


Gallery Attendant (Summer Position)