Commercial Art Gallery – Summer Internship

Closing Date of Opportunity: 05/16/2023

Name or Organization: Newzones Gallery of Contemporary Art

Contact Email:


Post Content: Position: Commercial Art Gallery – Summer Internship

Address: 730 11th Ave SW Calgary AB T2R 0E4
Terms: May 16 – September 1
Wage: $18 per hour

Newzones is hiring a post‐secondary student for a work‐integrated learning placement.
This position will formally integrate a student’s academic studies with quality experiences
within a commercial gallery setting. The student must be currently enrolled in a
recognized Canadian post‐secondary institution. We are looking for a candidate who loves the Visual Arts, is organized, efficient anddetail‐oriented. The position involves, but is not limited to: installing and striking

exhibitions, crating and shipping artwork, gallery maintenance, artwork documentation,
website content, and programming‐related communications.

Successful candidates will:
 Have a broad understanding of Canadian contemporary art and contemporary
issues relevant to the visual arts
 Demonstrate excellent organizational, interpersonal, time management, and
communication skills
 Be competent in Microsoft programs, use of a PC and Photoshop
 Have practical knowledge of digital photography
 Be confident with use of power tools and ladders
Duties include but not limited to:
 Installation and striking of artwork / handling of artwork
 Inventory control
 Daily maintenance of gallery (inside and out): cleaning of surfaces, floors etc.
 Handling and unpacking of artwork while ensuring the safety and security of
artwork at all times
 Crating and packaging of artwork
 Working independently as well as part of a team
 Gaining comprehensive knowledge of gallery artists to interact with visitors
Position start date May 16.
Please submit cover letter, resume and references to


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