MUSICAlive! Job Posting

Closing Date of Opportunity: June 30, 2024

Name or Organization: MUSICAlive!

Contact Email:


Post Content: Music IS Alive! In fact, Alive is really the only time that MUSIC really IS. Whether pounding the water to get that deep, resonant drum, or pulling a cello bow across an amplified, distorted, tortured guitar string, or singing in massed harmony and then dissonance to create the excitation of ecstasy, MUSIC Alive – is!

And the people involved in living sound LOVE to talk about it . . . mostly. And when they don’t, WE will.
We’re not here to DEFINE what music is: that’s what listeners are for. We can curate the numberless possibilities, with the help of experts and readers, and showcase the sampled buffet here. The rest is up to you.

For more information, please visit the website:

About the Opportunity:

MUSICAlive is seeking a Communications Intern to support MUSICAlive this summer.

This position will require a flexible and engaged individual to incorporate their textual ability and visual creativity to assess the mixing of simple components in a unique, informative, and accurate manner. This is journalism with its credibility as a foundation, upon which artistic expression inspired by the material is allowed within the above constraints.

The student will support with work related to the magazine, website and related platforms such as online publishing platform,

Some of the responsibilities include:
• Help with reconfiguring & uploading – transferring text and links, troubleshooting system changes and incompatibilities;
• Posting of articles on;
• Checking text hyperlinks and replacing them if no longer relevant;
• Assessing supplied images and providing captions from WordPress articles;
• Creatively assessing page aesthetics for readability and visual;
• Consideration of overall look and function of article pages.

Seeking a current AU Arts student ideally from the Bachelor of Design, Visual Communication program.

Please note: the time commitment would be 1 day/week (8 hours) over 4 months from May-Aug 2024.

Application process:
Interested applicants should apply to Carey Rutherford at with their name and the position title in the subject line.

Carey will be in touch to set up a time to connect to learn more about you, your interest in the opportunity and share more details. Please ensure to provide your contact details including email and phone number.


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