Embroidery Conference

Closing Date of Opportunity: February 01, 2024

Name or Organization: Calgary Guild of Needle and Fibre Arts

Contact Email: rhonda_65@hotmail.com

Website: http://Cgnfa.ca

Post Content: Every year our parent organization EAC-ACB (Embroidery Association of Canada -Association Canadienne de Broderie) and one of its chapter groups from across Canada hosts an Embroidery Seminar. It's a week long event. In May 2024 the Seminar will be held in Regina. Many national and international teachers will convene to teach classes such as goldwork, blackwork, whitework, canvas work, Stumpwork crewel and many more. One of the events include a members show/exhibition for EAC-ACB members to submit their work.
In 2025, our Calgary Chapter will be hosting the event in May of 2025 at SAIT. If you are interested in learning about these two events please check out the websites eac-acb.ca and cgnfa.ca.


Centenary by Mehdi Darvishi


Pin punch registration system