Illustrator for a MD Blog

Closing Date of Opportunity: 12/31/2020

Name or Organization: ThinkSkin

Contact Email:


Post Content: My name is Danny Guo and I am a dermatologist based in Calgary. I am looking for artists specializing in cartoons and illustrations who may be interested in a potentially recurring commissioned job. I am the author of an evidence based skin care blog called ThinkSkin ( and am hoping to find local Albertan artists and art students to help create illustrations much like the ones on the site. I am not looking for someone to copy the style on the site but instead to feature the artist's own unique style within the context of each blog article. These illustrations will be utilized with the blog articles much like what has already been done so far on the website.

In addition to the commission fee, each article may have a small blurb indicating who the artist is as an opportunity for mutual promotion (with the artist's permission of course). I feel like this is a good opportunity to provide support for local artists during the COVID pandemic. 

This is a paid and potentially recurring opportunity and the fee is negotiable. I am looking for one or more artist(s). Please contact me by my listed email and I would be more than happy to discuss the opportunity further.


Images Festival


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