Wire Sculpture Yoga Puppets

Closing date: Oct. 1, 2020

I'm looking for someone to make some wire sculpture yoga puppets.

Each puppet has 7 pieces:
1 torso with head , 2 arms - no flexion at elbow, 2 thighs, 2 calves.

The arms attach to shoulders on torso, thighs attach to hips on torso, calves attach ti thighs. The range of motion for arms and legs is in 1 plane only. Hands and feet are minimal .

Height with arms overhead is ~ 8 inches.
Two loops are require in each arms and calves to insert controller. I need 1 puppet in a few weeks, I possibly need 10 or more puppets.

The initial prototype can be any type of wire, but I think the the final version should be bright chrome or steel.

Please contact Garry at garry@visualstrongtype.com for more information.


Call for Applicants: Hear/d Residency


Now Hiring Hear/d Program Mentors: AUArts Studentsโ€™ Association