Sculptural Fabrication Associate

Closing Date of Opportunity: 9/30/2021

Name or Organization: MTHARU

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Seeking a sculpture or fine arts department graduate with the following experience and skills:

- Working with multi-materials such as metals, wood, concrete, plaster, clay, cement, lighting and electronics
- Working with ceramics and slip casting is an asset
- Mold making
- Metalworking using gas torch, welding, cutting, fitting, etc.
- Sculpture armature making
- Woodworking skills using various tools such as the bandsaw, planar, etc.
- Working with foam as finished material or for sculptural substrates
- Finishing foam with polyurethanes and other coatings
- Packaging finished products and making boxes, crates, etc.

Paid position commensurate with skills and experience.

Submit your resume and portfolio (or images of work) to


Technical Director


Art Handler