Youth Media Alliance Andra Sheffer Scholarship Call for Entries – One week left to apply!

Closing Date of Opportunity: 10/1/2021

Name or Organization: Youth Media Alliance

Contact Email:


Post Content: The Youth Media Alliance (YMA) is looking for a Canadian student** at the university or college level who shows a talent and passion for creating innovative children’s content. Each year, one outstanding Canadian student planning to pursue a career in children’s television or digital media production will be selected to receive the YMA Andra Sheffer Scholarship. The award enables recipients to attend the Kidscreen Summit in Miami and Banff World Media Festival in Alberta as well as access mentorship resources throughout the year. 

The Application deadline is October 1, 2021. 

**This year we will also be accepting applications from students who graduated in 2020. 

Please find more details and how to apply here:

Please contact if you have any questions.


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