Zine Zone II Open Call!

Zine Zone II Open Call!

Open to EVERYONE. Even you!

Drop off in-person or mail to AUArts SA

Room 335 1407 14 Ave NW Calgary Alberta T2N 4R3

Wow! You responded to last year's Zine Zone with such enthusiasm we thought we'd give it another go. Once again, we're focused on the value of zines in a world that is hungry for community. This accessible art form is a treasure trove of information on grassroots organization, political realities, as well as an accessible repository of poetry, love, and rants on topics so hyper-specific you couldn't find them anywhere else. As artists you're already inventive communicators. Make a zine and say it loud.

Zines could be:

- Cyanotypes made with every flower you picked this spring

- A collection of grocery lists which reveal your thirst for orange juice (with pulp)

- An essay you wrote furiously at 4am after waking from an odd dream

- Several poems on the benefits of actually eating food and not just drinking 3 coffee meals a day

- Doodles from your sketchbooks that haven't seen the light of day

The possibilities are endless. Get to cutting, pasting and copying!

NOTE: A selection of zines will be archived by the Luke Lindoe Library. All zines will NOT returned to submitting artists. Don't send anything you're hoping to keep!

Drop off in-person or mail to AUArts SA

Room 335 1407 14 Ave NW Calgary Alberta T2N 4R3

Last day to submit: August 25 2024


Wood Sculpting Opportunity


Call for Artists: 2024-2025 Shop at SAAG Feature Artists