Earn up to $100 with the Momentum Savings Challenge

Closing Date of Opportunity: 12/31/2022

Name or Organization: Momentum

Contact Email: lizw@momentum.org

Website: http://www.momentum.org/savingsapp

Post Content: Join the Momentum Savings Challenge on the QUBER app, and earn up to $100 in rewards (+ a chance to win cash prizes)!

The Momentum Savings Challenge is Calgaryโ€™s only app-based rewards program designed for savers living on low incomes. Save $40 each month and get incentives for reaching savings milestones. Quit anytime and keep the rewards you've earned, or keep saving to earn even more (10 months maximum). 

Momentum is a Calgary-based, non-profit that has offered financial wellness programs for people living on low incomes for over 20 years. Rewards are funded by our generous donors. This challenge is free to join, if you live in Calgary and area, are currently living on a low income, and are 17 years of age or older.

Learn more on momentum.org/savingsapp


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