Climate Action Catalyst, Climate Futures Lab

Closing Date of Opportunity: August 31, 2023

Name or Organization: Youth Challenge International

Contact Email:


Post Content: Volunteer Position: “Climate Action Catalyst”

Do you want to learn and get inspired as you build skills, expand your network and create real change? Join the climate action movement with Youth Challenge International (YCI)!

Through YCl’s Climate Futures Lab program, young people aged 16-24 in Calgary and Halifax collaborate in local teams and engage with municipal partners to tackle climate issues and design community-based projects to make an impact.

Climate Action Catalyst volunteers receive training, mentorship, grant funding and resources to design and implement a climate action project in their communities while gaining resume-building skills and experience along the way.

What you’ll do:
• Access exclusive learning and support resources: Gain skills through experiential
climate change and design thinking workshops and be eligible for grant funding.
• Take tangible action on climate change: You'll join a small team of local youth to design
and execute a climate action project that addresses the critical climate issues facing your
• Meet and collaborate with local municipal partners and professionals in the climate change sector: Your team will be matched with a local municipal partner who will pose a local climate issue for your project to address and you will be provided with ongoing coaching and mentorship throughout the program.
• Join YCI’s Climate Action Network: You’ll join YCI’s growing network of 300+ change- makers taking climate action across Canada to learn with and support each other as you amplify impact in your communities.
• Jumpstart your career: Climate Action Catalysts build market-ready skills, network with influential partners, municipalities and local youth throughout your experience, and receive a letter of recommendation upon completion of the program.

You’ll fit right in if you:
• Are dedicated and dependable.
• Have availability on weeknights to actively volunteer with a local team through virtual
platforms and can commit to regular in-person team meetings.
• Have strong collaboration skills across virtual and in-person settings, with an interest in
deepening these skills.
• Are curious about systems change, design-thinking and climate action, and want to learn
more about how you can make a positive impact in your community.
• Possess a passion for climate action and desire to learn from local experts on climate
change policy development, advocacy and action planning.
• Have strong attention to detail, organizational planning, time management and multi-tasking
abilities and want to further enhance these skills.
• Work well with a team and possess strong interpersonal skills.

The details & time commitment:
• This is an 6-month volunteer program from September to February. Volunteers contribute 120 hours in total (approximately 5 hours per week) to attend training sessions and meetings to collaborate with YCI, your local partner and your team.
o September to October: Receive climate science and design thinking training and develop a climate action project with your assigned team members.
o November to January: Create and pilot your climate action project with your community and local partner.
o February: Share your project publicly and celebrate your impact with your community at the final showcase event!
• The program will have both virtual and in-person components. You will meet with your team every Tuesday evening from 5:30-7:30pm in September and October. Together, you will join virtual sessions over Zoom with teams from across Canada. Additional in-person meetings will be scheduled internally based on team availability.
• Please note: Team leads will attend one additional leadership training session in August.

• You're 16-24 years old.
• You live in Calgary or Halifax and are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or person
who has been granted refugee status in Canada.
• You want to build skills and become a climate action advocate in your community.
• You can commit to:
o Volunteering approx.5 hours per week from September-February and attending regular virtual and in-person trainings and meetings.
o Completing a climate action project in collaboration with a team and attending a final event in February 2023.

How to apply:
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Submit early and don’t miss the chance to participate in this unique experience!
Applicants have the option to apply as a team. If applying as a team, please indicate this in your application.
For more information about Youth Challenge International’s Climate Futures Lab program, visit


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