Illustration and design of the Valley of Mexico 500 years ago

Closing Date of Opportunity: n/a

Name or Organization: The 13 Heavens - Money game based on an Aztec mythology and society storyline

Contact Email:


I require an artist to recreate the Aztec Valley of Mexico of 500 years ago. the landscapes around the 5 lakes in central Mexico. i recently returned from a 3 month trip to central Mexico researching aztec sites. i have many photos as a resource so an artist can refer to.
Ideally draw the 13 regions around the lakes. Mountains, rivers, streams, lakes, forest, desert, some towns with their symbols.
this would be the first prototype. The goal is to show visually the game world.
This is a paid position from $20 - $25.
I am local here in Calgary. If interest and you enjoy drawing landscapes please contact. by email or 4037089634


Services Assistant


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