cSpace Hallway Galleries Opportunity

Closing Date of Opportunity: September 30, 2024

Name or Organization: cSpace

Contact Email: events@cspaceprojects.com

Website: https://cspaceprojects.com/cspace-news/gallery-call/

Post Content: Are you an emerging or established artist with a body of work, looking for a place to exhibit?

cSPACE is looking for exciting new artists to exhibit in our Hallway Galleries. cSPACE is a vibrant arts hub located in the inner city neighbourhood of Marda Loop. Our building is home to some 35 arts and culture tenants, a coworking space, coffee shop, theatre and event spaces, and four levels of hallway galleries.

If your exhibition dates are flexible, you may qualify for discounted rates!
Gallery Call artists receive:
Exposure to new audiences in our bustling public arts hub
Discounted exhibition rates
Use of our professional hanging equipment
Reception in our hallway gallery
Inclusion on our call list for extra opportunities arising during the year
Promotion through our newsletter, website calendar and social channels

This Gallery Call is open to:
Individual artists
Group shows
Registered Not-for-Profit Organization
Educational Institutions

Find detailed information on our Hallway Galleries, and submission requirements at: https://cspaceprojects.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cspace-venues-gallery-opportunity_2024-copy.pdf


Marketing and Operations Manager


Casual Exhibitions Assistant (Recent Alumni Role)