Graphic Designer

Closing Date of Opportunity: 09/06/2021

Name or Organization: Pathways Pediatric Services

Contact Email:


Post Content: Pathways Pediatric Services is looking for a bright and talented student to help us strengthen our online footprint & digital client interaction tools. Pathways is a private practice in Calgary, Alberta offering support to preschool and school-aged children with developmental needs. We provide an appropriate, fun and motivating environment for children and their families to learn and grow!

Key Areas
• Online presents 
• Website refresh and/or redesign
• Budget for your proposed package
• Assess, plan and pitch
Payment for Services
• Project approval – 10%
• Initial show & tell – 40%
• Project completion – 50%

Opportunity will be open until June 25th , please send your full contact information and resumé complete with references (including your professor’s contact) to: with the subject line – “AU Arts – Pathways Bid; you should hire me because I’m awesome!”.


Events Portrait Photographer


Program Coordinator, Art