Indigenous Classical Music Gathering

Closing Date of Opportunity: 6/22/2022

Name or Organization: Banff Centre

Contact Email:


Post Content: Banff Centre is excited to invite folks to the third iteration of the Indigenous Classical Music Gathering (ICMG), led by faculty members Cris Derksen and Eliot Britton. Indigenous composers and performers will come together to cultivate their individual crafts through collaboration and personal development. Participants will spend time each day to gather and discuss current classical music issues, unpack our shared history of being Indigenous within the genre, and shine a light onto where we would like to see classical music go.

This program is geared towards regional, national, and global Indigenous music practitioners including: composers, singers, instrumentalists, scholars, students provocateurs, disrupters, advocates pushing the boundaries of their artistic practice, artists that serve their community, and artistic leaders in classical music.

This program is 100% funded for successful applicants.

Program Dates: August 11 - August 20, 2022

Application Deadline: June 22, 2022


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