Bert Church Theatre - Assistant Day Camp Programmer Position

Closing Date of Opportunity: 4/24/2023

Name or Organization: City of Airdrie - Bert Church Theatre

Contact Email:


Post Content: Bert Church Live Theatre is currently recruiting for a student enrolled in a post-secondary program to take on the role of Assistant Day Camp Programmer to plan and supervise the summer performing arts camps. This role will be responsible to create the required syllabus and outcomes for the Performing Arts Day Camps and create sustainability for future camps. The successful candidate will be enrolled in a post secondary program with experience and passion for the performing arts.

Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $19.60/hour
Benefits: Employee Assistance Program, Genesis Place Pass

This position is a full time summer term from May to the end of August.
Please apply online prior to 9:00pm on March 24, 2023


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