Looking for a ceramics artist to make dishes

Closing Date of Opportunity: 12/31/2021

Name or Organization: N/A

Contact Email: hello@rowanrocskar.com

Website: http://www.rowanrocskar.com

Post Content: If you are a ceramics artist or student that is looking for work, I want to hear from you! My drab dishes need to be replaced within the next year or so, and I would love them to be locally crafted. I love the look of Spirit Wares (google), so if that's up your alley... please send me an email. 

I would be looking for:
- Dinner plates
- Side plates
- Bowls
- maybe more...

As for payment, I am willing to pay cash, but I am hoping to find someone that would do a discounted rate if I help market your products on social media (on my Instagram @rowanexplores and website).

I look forward to hearing from you!



Mural Artist - Downtown Office Calgary


Student Designer