Student Designer

Closing Date of Opportunity: 11/25/2021

Name or Organization: Illingworth Kerr Gallery

Contact Email:

Post Content: The Illingworth Kerr Gallery (IKG) is looking for a 3rd or 4th year SCD student to help design a print
publication for our third Emerging Art Writers Program (EAWP 3). This years thematic is Art +
Technology. The student will be working with IKG staff intermittently from January-May 2022, with an
optional session sit-in on a writing session with participants in early December 2021, to assist in the
design process for this publication.
Upon completion, the student will be credited in the publication and be awarded an honorarium of

The student will be working with IKG staff to produce thumbnails, comprehensive roughs and templates
for a booklet containing twelve essays and several images. The student will need to be available for
some crucial team meetings (virtual) from January- May 2022, but can otherwise work in their own
studio environment. (max. 5hr/week).

The student will gain valuable experience working with a client (EAWP participants and IKG Team) and
using their design and creativity skills to produce a physical and digital publication. The final physical
publication is distributed across Canada in partnership with C Magazine.

To apply, please submit via email with the subject line: “EAWP 3 Designer” include one PDF document
(titled: Last name, First Name_EAWP3) to by Thursday November 25th 11:59pm MST.
Please include the following in your submission:
1)Preferred Name and pronouns, year of study, SCD stream
2)3-5 relevant design works (ex: editorial spreads, website designs, app design, anything that highlights
your ability to organize text and images)
3)A brief letter of interest* (max. 250 words)
4) CV/Resume *optional
*We are interested to work with a student with knowledge in visually accessible design!


The Illingworth Kerr Gallery, as part of Alberta University of the Arts (AUArts), provides a platform for
curated exhibitions and other forms of cultural research production, with a focus on contemporary
visual culture. A vital part of AUArts’ Office of Research and Academic Affairs, it supports graduate and
undergraduate learning, provides a rich mix of public programming, and participates in global dialogue 
by hosting local, regional and international artists working in a variety of disciplines. The IKG is located in
the Main Mall of AUArts.


The IKG is working with Dr. Ashley Scarlett to deliver our third Emerging Art Writers Program with the
theme of Art + Technology. Engaging students with exhibitions within the region, develop critical
thinking, writing skills, and offer opportunities for mentorship Stephanie Wong Ken and C Magazine,
networking, and paid work. This year’s EAWP 3 comprises of eight student art writers who will be
publishing their writing in May 2022.
Email with questions.


Looking for a ceramics artist to make dishes


Gallery and Archive Assistant