YMA Andra Sheffer Scholarship 2024Call for Entries

Closing Date of Opportunity: Oct. 29 2023

Name or Organization: Youth Media Alliance

Website: https://intranet.ymamj.org/en/

Post Content: The Youth Media Alliance (YMA) is looking for a Canadian student at the university or college level who shows talent and passion for creating innovative children’s content. One outstanding Canadian student planning to pursue a career in children’s television or digital media production will be selected to receive the YMA Andra Sheffer Scholarship. The award will enable the recipient to attend the Kidscreen Summit in San Diego, the Banff World Media Festival in Alberta, as well as give them access to mentorship resources throughout the year.

The scholarship includes $4,000 CAD in cash to cover travel costs, one Kidscreen Summit conference registration (valued at approximately $1,995 USD) and one Banff World Media Festival registration (valued at approximately $1,995 CAD). The total value is approximately $9,000 CAD, cash and in-kind. Mentorship will be offered by YMA staff, Board of Directors members and children’s industry stakeholders and may include the following: help with choosing the most appropriate sessions, event orientation, personal introductions to industry members, attendance of networking meetings and, as appropriate, a review of the student’s pitch documents.

The Kidscreen Summit, the children’s entertainment industry’s most important annual conference, will be held in San Diego, CA February 4-7th , 2024.

The Banff World Media Festival provides delegates with the opportunity to meet global leaders and celebrate the world’s best content and talent. It is held in Banff, Alberta (June 2024, exact dates TBC)

Both conferences include workshops, keynotes, presentations, and panels exploring trends, innovations, critical issues, and business solutions for the industry. The award recipient will have complete access to all events along with networking opportunities under the guidance of an Alliance member.

The application form can be found on the YMA Website. Deadline Oct. 29 2023, 11p.m.


1.       Canadian citizens and permanent residents who are senior-level (3rd or 4th year) undergraduate or graduate students in animation, film, television, or digital media production and who show a strong interest in children’s media.

2.       The online application form must be submitted by October 29, 2023.

3.       Applicants must provide a letter of support from at least one professor. The applicant may also provide letters from children’s media industry firms for whom they have worked or interned.

4.       Applicants must submit a short essay outlining their specific interest in the children’s entertainment, television, or digital media industries, and how the scholarship could benefit their career.

5.       Applicants must submit an outline of at least one project the applicant would like to develop and pitch (200 words), to also be presented to members of the Selection Committee during a phone meeting.

6.       Applications must submit a description of specific objectives for attending the Kidscreen and Banff markets which would help to advance the project.

7.       Applicants must be available to attend the events in San Diego (February 4-7th 2024) and Banff (June 2024-Dates TBC).

8.       Applicants must have all travel documentation required by authorities

9.       A final report about the experiences provided by this scholarship (200 words) is requested by August 20, 2024.

Selection Process: A committee formed of Youth Media Alliance members will evaluate all applications and select the recipient. Applicants will be notified in November 2023. 

The YMA Andra Sheffer Scholarship has been made possible thanks to the following financial partners:  9 Story Media Group, Apartment 11 Productions, Breakthrough Entertainment, Brunico, CMPA National and CMPA-BC Producers Branch, DHX Television, Give Me Chocolate, Guru Studio, marblemedia, Portfolio Entertainment, Radical Sheep-A Boat Rocker Media Company, Secret Location, Sinking Ship Entertainment, Shaftesbury and the Shaw Rocket-Fund.


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