Publication Call for Student Printmakers and Writers

Closing Date of Opportunity: 9/30/2022

Name or Organization: Jonathan Creese

Contact Email:


Post Content: Calling all Printmakers and Writers of AUArts!

I am looking to bring together a group of persons from these differing disciplines to delve into the realm of student self publication.
Th current idea is the curation of a series of writings and prints based around the Illingworth Kerr Galleries current exhibition 'Northern Oracle' by Heather Hart. Different interpretations of the exhibition (and the public programming that is occurring within its space) are hoped to be explored through writing and prints created.


The writers will be charged with the task of creating pieces based around their own interest and interpretation of the work shown. Writing can also be done around ideas brought forth within the public programming that is to occur alongside the exhibition (artist talks, performances, events, etc.). All forms of writing are encouraged, from the academic to the conceptual, inclusive of poetry, creative composition, short story, review, reflective, etc.

The printmakers will be tasked with creating a printed work based around the ideas or concepts brought forth within the show and/or the public programming activities. This work will be printed by the printmaker, though assistance if needed can be given dependent on the process, and the original prints will become part of the publication. All manual print processes are encouraged. A size ratio for the publication will be communicated once persons are chosen for the project.

These works (the writing and the prints) will be collected and bound together in a collection and disseminated amongst the participants as well as a copy each going towards the IKG, the School library, and the artist 'Heather Hart'.
As mentioned previously the artwork made by the printmakers will be the original prints created. The writing will be printed using contact printing process (cyanotype, anthotype, etc.) on similar paper to that of the prints for consistency.

All current students are encouraged to apply, regardless of year within the school. As of now there is no cap as to the number of participants in this project.
The current hopes for the project is the dissemination of student writing and printmaking outside of their normal sphere of viewing (into the hands of fellow students, being part of the school collection, etc.), the collaboration of students outside of class in a project that can foster unity and comradery, the chance for students to get experience in writing towards a publication (even if minor) and creating printed works outside the contemporary fine art printmaking convention. Currently, this is an unpaid project with printmakers and writers only being compensated with printed copies of the work produced. In the future, the hope is to expand on this idea with future projects where all contributors can be monetarily compensated.

Please indicate your interest to participate by emailing Jonathan Creese at with a brief statement of why you are interested in participating in the project and a sample/samples of previous work (previous writing for writers in pdf format, images of prints for printmakers).
Thank You.


Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill | Theatre Calgary | Sept 13 - Oct 2


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