Alberta Craft Call for Entry: Treat

Closing Date of Opportunity: January 09, 2025

Name or Organization: Alberta Craft

Contact Email:


Post Content: Calling all pet lovers! Do you make artwork about your beloved animal? Or do you create objects that are useful to pets and pet owners? Treat is an exhibition that celebrates the joy of portraying the personalities and quirks of pets through Craft. Alberta Craft calls artists in all Craft mediums to submit to Treat, an exhibition dedicated to the animals we love and care for.

Alberta residents do not need to be a member to apply. This call for entry is also open to non-Alberta residents who do hold an Alberta Craft general membership.

For the Treat exhibition all works must be for sale. Please provide the retail price for your work. Retail is 100%; member artists receive 60% commission, and the ACC 40% of any works sold, non-member artists receive 50% and the ACC 50%.
