Canada-China-Australia exchange

Closing Date of Opportunity: 6/10/2022

Name or Organization: Luxun Academy of Fine Arts (China) & Melanie Wilmink (Canadian Curator)

Contact Email:


Post Content: Led by Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in collaboration with the Sino-Canada Alliance of Art and Culture, this exhibition will create cultural ties between China, Canada and Australia. Showcasing student artwork from all three countries, an online format will support international sharing of cultures and create conversations across national borders. The exhibition will be promoted through domestic WeChat public accounts, video accounts, Douyin, Xiaohongshu and other social platforms and websites in China, Canada, and Australia so that visitors from all participating countries can watch the exhibition online. 

Since this exhibition will take place online via WeChat and website platforms, the call is seeking works that would be well represented as still images or short videos. Canadian curator Melanie Wilmink ( can respond to any questions.

Submission instructions:

- Email submission to (Canadian submissions please also copy to with email subject line: Luxun Canada Exhibition Submission - YOUR NAME
- Up to 5 artworks in .jpg (no less than 1mb size) or .mp4/.avi/.mov format (up to 15 min in length, min. 720P). Please adhere to the naming format "ARTISTNAME_TITLEOFWORK"
- Include your name, email contact, school affiliation (if applicable) & short bio (include any social media - handles or websites you would like us to promote)
- Include titles, medium, date for all artworks and ensure that image file names can easily be associated with the image information.
- Include short descriptions for each work
- Include a photo of yourself for promotional purposes

Submission deadline is 10 June 2022 (submissions may be collected beyond that date if necessary).


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